We are accredited examiners for the Restricted Operator Certificate - Aeronautical Qualification (ROC-A). Under section 33 of the Radiocommunication Regulations (SOR/96-484), a person who operates a radio apparatus in the aeronautical service may only do so where the person holds the appropriate radio operator certificate. We are authorized by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (formerly Industry Canada) to conduct the Restricted Operator Certificate - Aeronautical qualification (ROC-A) examination for aeronautical radio operations.

Industry Canada ROC-A Exams
Proof of Concept for Industry
We specialize in conducting Proof of Concept (PoC) studies using our state-of-the-art aircraft and expertise for companies who are interested in incorporating the latest drone technology into their workflows & businesses. Upon successful completion of the PoC, we are able to take you all the way through implementation of the PoC which includes designing a custom training program for your company which will enable your employees to achieve the Transport Canada Advanced Pilot Certification. We also assist you in the procurement of aircraft & equipment to meet your specific mission requirements.
Specialist Expertise and Training
Our instructors are experts in the fields of aerial photogrammetry, infrared thermography, and commercial photography. We are able to leverage this expertise to develop custom training programs in these fields which are tailored to meet your specific mission and industrial applications.
Your Complete Drone Training Solution
Effective June 1, 2019, Transport Canada, Canada’s national civil aviation authority, has legislated under Part IX of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (SOR/96-433), that all RPAS (remotely piloted aircraft system; also known as a drone, UAV – unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAS – unmanned aerial system) pilots must be licensed, regardless of use, in order to operate drones weighing between 250 g and 25 kg.
The Canadian Aviation Regulations (2019) contemplates two types of sRPAS pilot licenses for drones weighing between 250 g and 25 kg: Basic and Advanced. The main differences between the two licenses lies in the airspace in which they are permitted to conduct flight operations and the complexities of flight operations which they are permitted to perform. Uncontrolled airspace is airspace which is not under the control of an air traffic control centre. Controlled airspace, on the other hand, is airspace which operates under the control of an air traffic control centre. Most mid- to large Canadian towns and cities operate aerodromes (airports) which lie in controlled airspace and whose air traffic is governed by an air traffic control centre. The Transport Canada Basic sRPAS pilot license allows the operator to fly drones only in uncontrolled airspace. The Transport Canada Advanced sRPAS pilot license allows the operator to fly drones in BOTH controlled and uncontrolled airspace and to conduct advanced flight operations.
DCS is an accredited Transport Canada TP15263 compliant sRPAS training provider. We offer comprehensive training programs exclusively for the Transport Canada sRPAS Pilot Certificate with the Advanced Operations endorsement. This includes training for both the Advanced online examination and preparation for the Transport Canada flight review as well as practical flight applications and hands-on training. OUR TRAINING PROGRAMS PLACE AN EMPHASIS ON COMMERCIAL RPAS APPLICATIONS; AS A RESULT, WE DO NOT TRAIN INDIVIDUALS. We also prepare you for the ROC-A aeronautical radio operator certification. Our TP15263 sRPAS pilot training includes the following offerings:
- Pilot School for Advanced sRPAS Operations (sRPAS-PS-ADV): 5 days (40 hours) of rigourous knowledge-based training in preparation for the Transport Canada Advanced sRPAS written examination with custom-designed courseware (e-textbook). This course also prepares you for the ROC-A aeronautical radio operator certification, which is a standard requirement for municipal or government level work.
- Practical Flight Applications for Advanced sRPAS Operations (sRPAS–PFA–ADV): 5 days (40 hours) of rigourous practical flight training in preparation for the Transport Canada Advanced sRPAS flight review with custom-designed courseware (e-textbook). This training places an emphasis on real-world mission planning and hands-on flight training on both simulators and live drones.
Courses may be concurrently or independently scheduled. Course syllabuses are available upon request.
Transport Canada Flight Reviews
Transport Canada TP15263 Compliant Training
We are accredited by Transport Canada to administer the flight review for the Transport Canada Advanced Pilot Certification. Our proprietary flight review study guide and structured in-depth flight review process is designed to allow you the best possible opportunity to demonstrate that your sRPAS knowledge, mission planning skills, and airmanship meet Transport Canada standards. We offer the ROC-A radio operator examination concurrently with the Flight Review at no additional cost to you (a $100 value).